Phase 1 of Melbourne Showgrounds master plan is complete

The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) is pleased to release the findings from the first phase of the community and stakeholder consultation for the Melbourne Showgrounds master plan – Our Showgrounds, Our Future. 

The RASV is grateful for everyone who contributed to the report by participating in workshops or completing the online survey.  

Great insights and ideas for shaping Our Showgrounds, Our Future were received, and compiled to provide valuable feedback and suggestions to shape future designs. 

A stakeholder and community consultation report is now available for review on the Our Showgrounds, Our Future website. The report includes a summary of the wide-ranging conversations had with stakeholders and community members over the past months.  

The proposed master plan concept is scheduled to be released for public feedback later this year. In the meantime, there is ongoing consultation and discussions with a range of stakeholders as the master planning process continues.