Virtual Museum receives new contribution

The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) Heritage Committee oversees a unique collection of artefacts and stories representing the organisation’s rich history, which are often displayed onsite at Melbourne Showgrounds, in online exhibitions and at the Royal Melbourne Show. 

Earlier this year, John and Elizabeth Phillip’s generously donated two small models (pictured) that would have formed part of the larger model that was once displayed at Melbourne Showgrounds.

John, along with his wife Elizabeth have a long family association with the RASV and Melbourne Showgrounds. John’s Grandfather, Jack Harvey was the resident caretaker at Melbourne Showgrounds and lived on site with his wife, Jess and John’s mother Eva (residence pictured below).

John’s father, Jim, had a long association with the RASV and was a full-time carpenter at the Showgrounds (pictured below) and a steward in the cattle competition.

RASV continually seeks contributions to the collection and invites anyone who may have objects and information related to RASV, Royal Melbourne Show and Melbourne Showgrounds to contact RASV Heritage.

Visit the Virtual Museum to view some of the unique items in the collection and immerse yourself in the colourful world of the RASV, Melbourne Showgrounds and the Royal Melbourne Show.

Please contact us at or on phone 03 9281 7444 to share your knowledge or to contribute to the RASV’s collection.